Godspell Follies

Refuting the illogic of "intelligent design" and creationism. An illustrated guide to fallacies of logic.

Creation Mythologies

Refuting the illogic of "intelligent design" and creationism. An illustrated guide to fallacies of logic.

Almost all societies have invented creation myths in an attempt to explain the world, and human life and death. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious tradition is no different.

Christian creationism has its roots in the two-thousand-plus year old mythology recorded in Genesis. Various forms of creationism exist, all are religious, and each maintains a different relationship to scientific knowledge. Some variants of creationism accept the realities of science and the fact of biological evolution, while others deny uncomfortable scientific facts and attempt to replace reality with pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo and philosophical sleight of hand.

The so-called 'intelligent designer' is the latest Christian craze. Predominantly an American phenomenon, this rehash of Paley's “Blind Watchmaker” argument is an unscientific money-maker designed to supplant or compete with the teaching of evolution in classrooms. At least Paley was honest about his motives – those who testify on behalf of ID are not honest about the identity of the so-called 'intelligent designer' when they refuse to speculate on the identity of (God).

The most deluded form of creationism, Young Earth Creationism, goes so far as to deny the scientifically established age of the Earth in a deceitful attempt to support the ridiculous notion of Biblical inerrancy.

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